

Ratings let users see and/or set a star rating for a product or other item.

17 examples


The rating component has two main functions:

  1. To display a single user's, or an aggregate, star rating for a product, service, page, or other entity (non-interactive)
  2. To let users set their own star rating (interactive)

Depending on the individual use case, the component may need to perform both of these functions or just one of them.

Markup and Accessiblity

Displaying a rating

When displaying a non-interactive rating you should provide accessible text describing the rating. For example, by using an image with an alt attribute, Visually Hidden text, or an aria-label attribute. Consider also rendering these text labels visually, not only to users of assistive technologies; they can be especially useful when displaying fractions of stars. e.g. '4.2/5.0'.

Setting a rating

An interactive rating component can be seen as a series of radio inputs with the values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. By default, this provides the following keyboard pattern for keyboard interaction:

  • Tab to focus on the rating component (and move focus onto the next interactive element when pressed again)
  • / to increase the rating by one star
  • / to decrease the rating by one star

The behaviour of left and right arrows is logical, but you may choose to do what Adobe Spectrum's rating component does and invert what the up and down arrows do: = +1 star and = -1 star.

In this example rating component from MUI both the input and the label for each option are visually hidden and a custom svg is shown instead.
